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scrape one’s plate
吃光盘中食物  detail>>
 vt.  1.刮,削,擦,搔,刮去,削去,擦去 (away; off; out); 擦过 (against; past)。 2.磨擦,打磨。  3....  detail>>
one plate clutch
单盘式离合器  detail>>
one-button plate
单纽板过滤机  detail>>
one-plate clutch
单盘式离合器  detail>>
one-way reinforced plate
单向配筋板  detail>>
a scrape of the pen
签字, 简单手令  detail>>
a scrape on the face
脸上的擦伤  detail>>
a scrape on the knee
膝盖擦伤处  detail>>
bow and scrape
打躬作揖 点头哈腰 过于客气  detail>>
bread and scrape
黄油涂得不足的面包。   detail>>
busbar scrape
轴瓦擦伤  detail>>
bush scrape
轴衬擦伤  detail>>
copper scrape
铜刮片  detail>>
crab scrape
耙渔具 蟹耙网  detail>>
hand scrape
手动刮板  detail>>
ice scrape
刮冰装置  detail>>
pinch and scrape
省吃俭用  detail>>